Information Roatan Holidays Festivals CelebrationsWe celebrate many Roatan occasions, anniversaries and festivities. We are happy and celebrate life everyday. What qualifies as a holiday in Honduras is actually confusing. In addition to the countrys official legal holidays, each village, town or city in Honduras may have a holiday particular to that area, such as a special day for a founding public or religious figure.
Weekday | Date | Name of Holiday | Type of Holiday |
Wednesday | January 1st | New Year's | Holiday National |
Monday | January 6th | Three Wise Men | Observance |
Saturday | February 1st | Lady of Suyapa | Observance |
Sunday | February 2nd | Lady of Suyapa | Observance |
Monday | February 3rd | Lady of Suyapa | Observance |
Wednesday | Marach 19th | Father´s Day | Observance |
Thursday | March 20th | Equinox | Season |
Monday | April 14th | America Day | Holiday National |
Thursday | April 17th | *Maundy Thursday | Holiday National (Christian) |
Friday | April 18th | Good Friday | Holiday National (Christian) |
Saturday | April 19th | Holy Saturday | Holiday National (Christian) |
Sunday | April 20th | Easter | Observance (Christian) |
Thursday | May 1st | Labor Day - May Day | Holiday National |
Sunday | May 11th | Mother's Day | Observance |
Thursday | June 19th | Corpus Christi | Observance |
Saturday | June 21st | June Solstice | Season |
Wednesday | September 10th | Children´s Day | Observance |
Monday | September 15th | Independence Day | Holiday National |
Wednesday | September 17th | Teacher's Day | Holiday National |
Tuesday | September 23rd | September Equinox | Season |
Friday | October 3rd | Morazan's Day | Holiday National |
Sunday | October 12th | Columbus Day | Holiday National |
Tuesday | October 21st | Army Day | Holiday National |
Sunday | December 21st | December Solstice | Season |
Thursday | December 25th | Christmas | Holiday National (Christian) |
Wednesday | December 31st | New Year's Eve | Observance |